11 Intentional Habits to Start in the New Year

When it comes to New Years resolutions, it’s common to make lofty goals that rarely come to fruition. It’s easy to get frustrated and give up if you don’t have a seven figures in the bank or a six pack by February. There’s an old saying that “moving a mountain begins by carrying small stones” and why would any other goal be different? A million dollars starts with a penny, and rock hard abs start with good genetics and a time machine 😂
When I was trying to come up with my goals for 2025, I kept coming back to consistency. I always have a ton of ideas swirling around in my head, and if I’m not careful I can get swept away by each and every one of them. I usually make a point to finish what I start, but sometimes I get so excited to begin that I don’t always think through how much time or effort the doing will actually take. This year I want to take things slow, focus on quality, and match my output to my input. Instead of spinning my wheels, when I use my energy, I want to make it count.
For this post, I put together a list of small but meaningful habits that can have a huge impact over time. Why not start today? Let’s get to moving those pebbles!
ONE | A Journaling Practice
A few years ago I was introduced to The Artist’s Way, a 12 week program that focuses on nurturing your inner artist. There’s a lot to it, but one of the most important pillars is Morning Pages, a practice of writing three pages of stream of consciousness every single day as soon as you wake up. I’ve never been able to pull off Morning Pages exactly as prescribed (I can’t commit to anything first thing in the morning), but I have found that writing these pages of chicken scratch really does help me process all of my random thought spirals and keeps me much more focused and positive throughout the day.
Journaling can mean something totally different to you, but regardless of your method, spending that time to express yourself is sure to be nourishing and transformative!
TWO | Conscious Consumption
This is another goal that is up to your interpretation, but the main thread is taking the time to consider what you’re bringing in. Maybe that’s choosing to buy a new dress from a sustainable brand instead of a fast fashion company. It could be picking out local produce at the farmer’s market for dinner instead of spending that same money ordering pizza. Maybe you’d like to pay closer attention to your alcohol intake or think twice about the money you spend online shopping. I have some friends that have participated in no-buy years, and others that strictly shop secondhand. Choosing to think more about the why and the how things come into your life, and remembering that you vote with your dollar is incredibly empowering, and every little bit makes a difference!
THREE | Daily Movement
This one is fairly simple, just move your body! In the past few years the topic of walking, or specifically “hot girl walks” has been everywhere, and it’s been great to see people going for a walk as part of their daily routine. I’ve seen folks start walking clubs and using nature as the venue to spend time with their friends and loved ones! There are so many ways to incorporate movement in the comfort of your own home as well, whether it be stationary bikes, yoga, youtube pilates, or couch to 5k!
FOUR | Balance Your Day with Pomodoro Timers
Pomodoro timers are one of my favorite “hacks” to maximize my productivity. You start with 25 minutes of work, take a 5 minute break, and then go back to another 25 minutes of focus. This breaks the work into chunks and makes it easier to prevent going off the rails with distractions. Of course this isn’t a foolproof method and it won’t be a perfect fit for everyone, but I definitely notice I get more done when I set aside these dedicated work windows. It really helps to know that I have breaks built in! Pomofocus is my favorite pomodoro site, and it can even track your daily or weekly progress if you’re into that!
FIVE | Meditation
Similar to the section on movement, there’s not much to it except to do it! There’s a reason meditation is such a widespread recommendation – it truly works! Making a point to focus on breathing and existing as you are is immeasurably powerful. There are a lot of awesome apps like Headspace (subscription) and Insight Timer (free) that offer guided meditations. You can even search their libraries for the amount of time you have and the specific topic you’d like to meditate on. I like to use apps like this right before bed, a good 15 to 20 minute session puts me in the right frame of mind for restful and restorative sleep!
SIX | Starting a Streak
One thing that really works for me when I want to stick to something is to start a “streak.” I first learned that I was so motivated by this when I inadvertently accomplished a reading streak in on my Kindle app in 2021. Since then I have over 900 days recorded, and no plans to break a run that big any time soon! What’s awesome is that with just a tiny bit of effort you can record a streak for truly anything! From something as big as writing your first novel to as small as flossing your teeth, everything can be a streak if you count it! Certain apps track your activity automatically, like Kindle, but to make a custom streak I’ve used the Streaks app, or simply recorded them on a paper calendar!
SEVEN | Cut The Sugar
One of the most common New Years resolutions is to change up your eating habits. One way to do so gently and without going on a strict diet is to cut back on foods or drinks that contain added sugars. It’s truly mind boggling when you consider all the things at the grocery store that contain added sugar, especially in the United States. Practically all boxed foods, jarred sauces, and bottled dressings have more sugar than you’d ever think necessary. Start checking the amounts on labels and see where the added sugar is hiding, you might be surprised! Remember there are no “bad” foods, but you can prioritize more nutritious foods. Fresh fruit is always a good choice, and it is true that not all sugars are created equal!
EIGHT | Get Off an App
I’ve had to check myself at times when it comes to mindless scrolling. When left to my own device (lol) I can fall into a TikTok hole and FAST, and as soon as I know it, an hour has passed and the only thing I’ve done is beam dog videos and goofy skits into my brain. I’ve tried and failed to delete TikTok for good a few times, but as much as I love the app and find it a valuable resource for many, I always feel better when I’ve gone a few days without using it myself. If this sounds like you when it comes to TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, I’ll encourage you to hit the delete button! Turn that into a streak while you’re at it! 😉
NINE | Try a New Hobby
Have you ever wanted to learn to crochet, oil paint, start taking film photos, or learn to shoot a bow and arrow? What’s stopping you? Chances are, it’s probably just insecurity or a perceived lack of time. Some hobbies have high barriers to entry (looking at you, golf and skiing) but regardless of the activity you’d like to pursue, with a little bit of research, there are bound to be reasonable and affordable ways to access each and every one of them. So why not make 2025 the year you finally get started on those interior design classes, the hydroponic garden, or that wood craft you’ve always wanted to try? If time is the issue, start with 5 minutes a day. Do something special for yourself, there’s no time like the present!
TEN | Hit the Kitchen
I think most people reading this would agree that the kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s the foundation of our daily meals, a place to gather with our loved ones, and the center of so many treasured family recipes and traditions. In 2022 I challenged myself to cook or bake something I’d never made before, once a week. In those 52 weeks I braised a delicious coq au vin, emulsified my first ever hollandaise sauce, and marinated the most flavorful bulgogi I’d ever had! Not only did I learn so much about what it takes to make food both delicious and beautiful, I solidified my confidence in the kitchen. I’m considering bringing back my cooking challenge (maybe with a few tweaks) but I can’t recommend spending that time in the kitchen enough!
ELEVEN | Keep it Simple
It’s easy to get frustrated when we’re not seeing results on our goals, and to get caught up in an all-or-nothing mindset. Often times, that is an indication that we need to simplify. It’s a lot easier to carry something when the weight of the item is evenly distributed, so why wouldn’t your goals be the same way? Simplifying might mean cutting down on the number of rules or restrictions you set for yourself, breaking goals into smaller chunks, or working on tasks one by one. If you’ve piled your to-do list higher than you hoped, why not look at what you can realistically accomplish in a week, a month, or a season? Businesses typically break out their goals into quarters of the year, and there’s a reason for that! Treat your personal goals like a business would, and it’s likely you’ll accomplish a lot more. However, simplifying may mean reducing your load a bit or entirely too! Were you hoping for a season of rest? That is a worthy and necessary accomplishment as well. Listen to yourself and pay close attention, you are the best person to know what you truly need!
What are you hoping for in the new year?
Comments (1)
Kelly F.
January 14, 2025 at 9:07 am
These are awesome ideas for the New year. Thank you!