The Best Bits: My November 2024 Favorites

The Best Bits is a monthly series where I tell you what I’ve been up to! Things I’m doing, media I’m loving, and products I recommend! Here’s a fresh batch of favorites for your reading pleasure!
DISCOVERING | Puppy Ownership
We got a dog! Her name is Cherry and she’s a three month old Portuguese Water Dog. We got her when she was 11 weeks old, and she is such a sweetie. Her favorite things at the moment include jumping from garden bed to garden bed, chewing as many sticks as she can find, chasing her ball, and snuggling our legs. She is SO smart and it’s clear she is definitely going to be trouble! 😉
READING | Lady Tan’s Circle of Women
I wrote about this book in my latest Knits & Reads post, and it was certainly my favorite book of the month! It’s the perfect book for a book club, and I highly recommend the audio version!
WATCHING | Real Housewives of Salt Lake City
Salt Lake Housewives is a non-guilty pleasure for me. I love watching all the petty drama these women get into. Sometimes the Feds get called, sometimes there’s an argument in a bubble bath or a hot spring. It’s a really fun watch and since we used to live in Utah, I recognize a lot of the places they go!
LISTENING | Kacey Musgraves
My best friend Emily and I got tickets to see Kacey Musgraves months ago, and this month the show finally rolled around! The tour was for her latest album, Deeper Well and her performance was fantastic! The openers Nickel Creek and Lord Huron were stellar as well, and Kacey’s show is definitely one of the most visually stunning concerts I’ve been to!
PLANNING | Christmas Crafting Day
This year my friends and I are bringing back our Christmas Crafting Day and making it a tradition! Last year I (painstakingly) got together the stuff for each gal to make a ceramic gingerbread village, but this year we’re keeping it more simple and painting wooden nutcrackers. I imagine each year we’ll keep with the current tradition to make something new, and perhaps there are some wreaths or quilted stockings in our future!
CRAFTING | North Sea Scarf by Petite Knit
I downloaded this knitting pattern on a whim, and it’s the perfect scarf for a gift! It looks lovely knitted up and is truly such an easy project. You knit a long tube in stockinette stitch and then sew up the ends, it really can’t get more simple than that!
GROWING | Christmas Cactus
At this month’s Master Gardener meeting we propagated Christmas cactuses and my itty bitty leaf cutting has been thriving! I can already see the little hot pink buds starting to form. I can’t wait for it to bloom this time next year! 🥹
APPLYING | Smith’s Rosebud Salve
I recently found this balm in the back of my makeup drawer and busted it out again. It was my favorite for years, and I’m shocked I forgot about it! It’s perfect as a lip gloss, cuticle balm, or all-purpose salve. You can get it in a tin or a tube, and I’m so glad it’s back in my rotation again, just in time to help me battle my dry winter skin!
WEARING | Glerups Wool Slippers
These slippers are one of my most favorite purchases from the past few years. They are so warm and cozy! They are also our puppy’s favorite thing to steal and chew, but by some miracle they are still holding strong!
EATING | Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake
You can’t have thanksgiving without pumpkin pie, and this recipe punches it up a notch.
SIPPING | Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusion Tea Peach Lemonade Acai
I’ve been reaching for drinks with less caffeine this month and I’ve really enjoyed this iced tea! It’s fruity and tropical without tasting overly artificial or acidic. I highly recommend it!
INDULGING | Daisy London Lucky Hoops
I’ve had my eye on these earrings for probably two or three years now, and I finally pulled the trigger when they were on deep discount for Black Friday! I have a special attachment to anything with a four leaf clover on it, so naturally these had to be mine!
ADMIRING | Yarn from Porter Wool Co
Earlier this month a friend and I attended a local yarn festival, and I couldn’t stop revisiting the Porter Wool Company booth! They’re based in Lancaster PA and the colors of their yarns just really spoke to me. I’ll absolutely be making an order once I’m back in the market for more yarn!
OBSESSING | Finishing My Holiday Knits!
I’ve been knitting a ton, and I mean… a ton! I decided I was going to gift knitwear to 5 different people this holiday season, and so far it looks like I’ll be able to pull it off. After I manage that, I’m going to give these poor wrists a much needed break!
CELEBRATING | Puppy Milestones
Cherry has been such a good girl, and is really starting to gain some confidence in herself. She’s learned sit, come, and lay down! Now we’re working on leave it and drop it, but we’re entering that teething phase so both of those certainly need some extra patience right now! She’s already come such a long way from the shy little pup we met at the beginning of the month, and we are very proud of her!
What are your favorite things this month?